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Important notice regarding our response to COVID-19

Pike Goss
Sun, March 01, 2020

In our effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19 by social distancing Pedestal PRO has distributed our team to work from home where possible. Certain departments such as production and shipping will maintain a limited number of staff at headquarters to keep materials flowing. Pedestal PRO stocks plenty of inventory and doesn’t foresee long lead times. Furthermore, our supply chain remains strong and redundant so that any potential hiccups can be dealt with quickly.

Phone Hours

We are changing our phone hours from 8a-5p to 8a-4p.

Phone, Chat or Email

It can be easier for our distributed workforce to use screens over phone lines. You may find that you receive faster customer service using our digital platforms such as online chat or traditional email. Generic requests can be sent to; Custom requests should be sent to A team of people is behind each chat room and email address.

Shipping Timelines

Orders will be processed the following business day they are received. With a distributed workforce, Pedestal PRO needs to bundle orders at the end of each day for shipment the next day. This will affect expedited shipments (e.g. UPS Red, FedEx Overnight, etc.) We are confident that in most cases your order will be shipped within 24-48 hours, just not the same day.

Shopping Cart makes available an online shopping cart 24/7 for easy order placement, especially for small orders. In order to receive special pricing credentials, you will be required to REGISTER your email address first—only an email address and validation are required. The process only takes a minute or two. Large PO’s that require freight should continue to be sent by email or EDI.

Custom Orders

Our custom order queue remains on track. We have separated our custom fabrication department into two teams which will alternate work schedules to provide redundancy in our manufacturing. They also added Saturdays as workdays to keep your custom orders moving forward.

We are grateful to be your trusted pedestal supplier. Rest assured that we strive to provide best-in-class customer service for you!

We appreciate your patience in this day of change and uncertainty.

Stay safe and healthy,

Pike Goss


- Pike Goss | 1 - Sun, March 01, 2020
(last updated: Mon, May 18, 2020 6:43 PM)